Executive Committee

Path to Positive Communities is led by a diverse and growing network of community leaders, elected officials, and nonprofit executives. All members of this Executive Committee prioritize advancing climate solutions within their institutions and communities as a key part of their leadership.

Executive Committee Emeritus

  • Salud Carbajal, First District of Santa Barbara County
  • John Cleveland, President, Innovation Network for Communities
  • Lucinda Crabtree, President, Crabtree + Company
  • Hon. Bob Dixson, Mayor, City of Greensburg, Kansas
  • Hon. Linda Langston, President, National Association of Counties
  • Gavin Newsom, Governor, California
  • Steve Nicholas, VP for Urban Programs, Institute for Sustainable Communities
  • Sarita Turner, Director of Inclusive Communities, Institute for Sustainable Communities
  • David Orr, Founder, The Oberlin Project
  • Rand Rosenberg, Former Senior VP, Corporate Strategy and Development, PG&E
  • June Blotnick, Executive Director, CleanAIRE North Carolina
  • Nils Moe, Managing Director, Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN)