Kissing Babies is Not Enough: Our Younger & Wiser Tell Us They Want Climate Action
We know our elected officials (and electeds-to-be) spend a lot of time kissing babies on the campaign trail. But perhaps their time may be better spent taking action on climate solutions … on behalf of our children. Noah Gue, a wizened 6-year-old resident of Bozeman, Montana, makes a convincing argument to politicians to “see the changes before your eyes”. He traveled around his home state with his parents to document the local impacts of climate change, summarizing it like this: “What a shame.”
This week we celebrate Earth Day. Is this not the perfect occasion to spend some time thinking about how climate change will impact us all, and especially our children? Noah’s 3-minute video is powerful, and it may very well motivate you to take action, right now. Thank you for doing so, and special thanks to Noah for showing us how Climate Leadership is done. Happy Earth Day to all.
6 Year Old Gets President Obama’s Attention With This Climate Change Video
By Cole Mellino | ecoWatch | April 15, 2015
With the madness that is the Republican Presidential field and all the news of the Koch Brothers buying elections, it can feel like we will never take meaningful action on climate change. But then, you hear about kids like Noah Gue and you remember that the next generation understands what a bunch of people with advanced degrees claim not to understand.
Gue, a six year old from Montana, traveled around his home state with his parents to document the impacts of climate change on his state. His adorable narration about such a pressing issue landed him a spot as one of 15 finalists in the White House Student Film Festival.
Of 1,500 submissions, Gue was invited to screen his video at the White House—the youngest of the finalists. And he even got a humorous shot out from President Obama.