How Mayors Are Shedding Light On Climate Solutions

Mayors throughout the US are working through their climate tool-kit in search of effective climate solutions that can be quickly and easily implemented. One area that is often overlooked, perhaps due to its ubiquity, are streetlights. In a recent survey by the US Conference of Mayors, researchers found that transitioning to LED streetlamps is one of the top choices among city officials.

Simply changing how your city lights its streets can yield significant results. Increased efficiency can slash city electricity bills by up to 70%. LED street lights require less maintenance and can even benefit communities by increasing public safety.

With limited resources to develop and implement climate solutions, LED streetlights offer a proven, cost effective choice for mayors. To find out more about developing a climate action plan in your city, join and take advantage of the resources offered at Path to Positive Communities.

US Mayors Say LED Lighting Top Priority for Their Cities

The Climate Group | March 11, 2016

NEW YORK: US mayors rank energy efficient LED lighting as the most promising technology for city managers to reduce their energy use and carbon emissions over the coming two years, according to a survey held at the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) in Washington DC earlier this year.

In the survey, entitled ‘How energy Technologies are Reshaping America’s cities’, LED lighting surpassed 17 other clean technologies and low carbon solutions as the technology of choice for mayors.

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