ecoAmerica Launches Local Climate Engagement Programs with National League of Cities & Local Government Commission

Today, ecoAmerica announced the launches of partnerships with two major organizations, the National League of Cities (NLC) and the Local Government Commission (LGC), to accelerate local climate leadership. Through the Path to Positive program, both partners are activating mayors and other local leaders to lead on climate and engage their communities on solutions.

“NLC and LGC are where community leaders and managers go for training and advocacy on important issues,” said Bob Perkowitz, ecoAmerica’s president. “Americans are concerned about real climate change impacts happening now in their hometowns. NLC and LGC leadership here will help cities and towns across America engage their citizens and address the challenges.”

The partnership with NLC will empower its members and affiliates in nearly 19,000 American cities and towns to engage their citizens and communities on climate. The program is now a part of NLC’s Sustainable Cities Institute (SCI), which provides convening opportunities, direct technical assistance and leadership training for cities to mitigate and adapt to the effects of a changing climate. SCI helps cities identify and implement proven strategies to preserve clean air, clean water, and clean land.

“The National League of Cities is dedicated to helping city leaders build stronger, better communities,” said Clarence E. Anthony, CEO and executive director of National League of Cities. “Cities across America are discovering that we can clean our air and water, improve our health, protect our homes, and create good local jobs by investing in climate solutions. We are pleased to announce a new partnership with ecoAmerica, which will introduce more resources for cities to take action on climate.”

The partnership with LGC will support its members and affiliates in cities and towns throughout California and beyond to build capacity and empower local leaders to communicate about climate within their communities, and to build support for climate preparation and solutions.

“Local leadership and community engagement are critical to address these impacts and to prepare our communities for future climate changes,” announced Kate Meis, LGC’s executive director. “LGC is pleased to announce a new partnership with Path for Positive Communities which will provide local governments with tools to lead on climate change and mobilize residents to take proactive steps now, to protect our most vital resources, and position our communities for a prosperous future.”

The first resources released for NLC and LGC members include these ecoAmerica guides:

The partners will collaborate to regularly release resources, host webinars, and provide additional programming for NLC and LGC members.

About National League of Cities

The National League of Cities (NLC) is dedicated to helping city leaders build better communities. Working in partnership with 49 state municipal leagues, NLC serves as a resource to and advocate for the more than 19,000 cities, villages, and towns it represents.

 About Local Government Commission

Local Government Commission (LGC) works to build livable communities and local leadership by connecting leaders via innovative programs and network opportunities, advancing policies through participation at the local and state level, and implementing solutions as a technical assistance provider and advisor to local jurisdictions. With roots in California and a national reputation, LGC offers inspiration, information, and partnerships for local and regional champions dedicated to building thriving communities that integrate civic engagement with environmental, social, and economic priorities.

 About ecoAmerica

ecoAmerica is a national nonprofit that builds institutional leadership, public support, and political will for climate solutions in the United States. Path to Positive Communities is a program of ecoAmerica.

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