A Moral Imperative To Lead on Climate – 2015 MomentUs Leadership Summit
On Tuesday, Pope Francis sent out a call to care for creation as a matter of caring for all of humanity (via Twitter!). His Papal Encyclical on the environment, due out this summer, is expected to include a call for moral leadership on climate change.
Leaders from across faith traditions have begun discussions on how to support and amplify Pope Francis’ call for climate action. And many of them will be joining us at the 2015 MomentUs Leadership Summit, to discuss and plan opportunities for climate leadership within and beyond the faith community.
The MomentUs Leadership Summit will bring together not only prominent faith leaders, but also national leaders from municipalities, business, community, health, social sciences, and higher education. On May 21st, they’ll meet for a day of inspiration, collaboration, and momentum toward collective action on climate change solutions.
If you would like to help lead America forward on climate action and connect with other like-minded leaders, join the Path to Positive today.