3 Clear Signs of Climate Momentum

This December, the Conference on Climate Change will take place in Paris. Already, prime ministers, presidents, religious and even corporate leaders are anticipating the direction of international negotiations, and the promise of climate action. In an event jointly hosted by the Christian Science Monitor and the World Resources Institute, city, academic and NGO leaders met to anticipate the primary themes that must drive discourse at the UN Conference.

3 Key Take-Aways:

  1. Cities must lead: The majority of the world’s population lives in cities, and cities are responsible for the majority of fossil fuel emissions. Cities are also more dynamic—able to swiftly develop and implement policies that can have enormous impacts. Because of this, cities are uniquely situated to address climate change
  2. New emitters must be addressed: In recent decades, there have been major shifts in which countries are the greatest greenhouse gas emitters. These changes must be addressed, and fortunately, many of these major emitters have already made ambitious climate change commitments.
  3. Big businesses must act: More and more, businesses are conscious that the climate affects their bottom line. Investing in efficiency, sustainability, and long-term climate solutions makes businesses more secure over time. Thus businesses should be seen and treated as partners on climate change, rather than impediments.

The challenges of climate change are dynamic and require bold leadership. Cities and businesses will be key players in developing and implementing climate solutions. By acting now, and demonstrating strong climate leadership at the Paris Conference, there is still time to correct the environmental course. To develop your climate communication skills, and connect with like-minded leaders, come join the Path to Positive Communities!

From Boston to Beijing, signs of climate momentum

By Cristina Maza & David J. Unger | Christian Science Monitor | September 14, 2015

In less than three months, representatives from nearly 200 countries will meet in Paris to finalize a climate agreement that many hope will curtail greenhouse gas emissions and curb the worst impacts of climate change.

How are leaders and thinkers across the globe – from Boston to Beijing – meeting the challenges posed by a warming planet, and embracing the opportunities of a global energy transformation?

In Boston Monday, several leaders addressed this question during “Local and Global Climate Action on the Path to Paris,” an event hosted by The Christian Science Monitor together with the World Resources Institute, a Washington-based think tank.

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